please have patience please and thank you please

in the meantime please enjoy the silly splash headers at the top that may or may not break the site width on mobile, it took me like 5 hours of trial and error to get the code correct even though it's probably extremely basic

i will work on putting all the important stuff from my cohost profile onto this website in a neat categorical fashion and also putting the neat buttons of all the neat people i became familiar enough with...eventually


i used to run @strange-thrifting on cohost, and also posted under @herzogzwei for various things. this website is going to be a continuation of both of those pages, which includes:

  • play and write about video games (usually old ones i guess but anything goes)
  • post various high score runs / superplays from games, youtube poops, (and eventually rips of off-air TV VHS recordings) to youtube
  • go thrifting for cool electronics / things that deserve to be tinkered with and fixed
  • ignore my unimportant job as much as i can
  • melt my brain with the weed (all posting or microblogging while high will be relegated to the "#weed log" section, it's probably not good content but it was fun for me so fuck it lmao)

my pronouns are they/them, if that's a thing you care about